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Bromius obscurus - Wix.jpg
Bromius obscurus.
We found this small leaf beetle in 2013 on a site in Scunthorpe.
Known mainly from central Europe where it has been a pest on grape vines when the larvae feed on the roots.   
The adults  are normally found on Rosebay Willowherb but has also been found on other willowherbs and Giant butterbur.
It has now spread over a number of areas in Scunthorpe where the Rosebay is growing.   
Agapanthea villoscviridescens 0001 - Cop
Agapanthia villosoviridescens or Golden Bloomed Grey Longhorn beetle.
This attractive beetle is to be found on umbellifers such as Hogweed and Cow Parsley but on the Messingham reserve it favours Hemp Agrimony.
The larvae develop in the stems of several herbaceous plants unlike most longhorns which develop in dead wood.
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Alder Leaf Beetle. Agelastica alni 

In 2015 John Davison the area recorder found this beetle which was a first for the county. Six years on and this is to be found in countless thousands on the MSQ Alder trees.

The adult has a bluish tint to its body.

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Here newly emerged larvae are seen alongside a cluster of eggs

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However at this stage of their lives they can literally  defoliate a tree due to the high numbers.
Photos by John Petyt

Stictoleptura rubra male A.jpg

Red Longhorn beetle male
Stictoleptura rubra

Red Longhorn beetle female sporting the red thorax that gives it its name. 

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Stictoleptura rubra or a male Red-legged Longhorn beetle formerly known to me as Leptura rubra caught within a split second of taking flight.

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